Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dhondakaya - Pappulapodi Vepudu

  • Dhondakayalu - 1/2 kg
  • Oil - 3 to 4 Tea spoons
  • Curry leaves - 2 stems
  • Jeera Seeds (జీలకర్ర) - 1/2 tea spoon
  • Garlic - 5 pieces pounded
  • Multigrain Powder - 3 to 4 Tea spoons
  • Turmeric - 1/4 Tea spoon
  • Salt - Based on taste
  • Chilli powder - 1 tea spoon
  • Dhaniya Powder - 1 tea spoon
Method to prepare Multigrain Powder:
  • Take all kind of grains (such as kandhi pappu, pesara pappu, udhi pappu, pachi senaga pappu) in equal parts and fry them separately without oil.
  • Now fry 1 to 2 tea spoons of jeera seeds, dry chillies (based on taste - minimum of 3), curry leaves (1 to 3 stems), Nuvvulu (1 tea spoon) altogether separately.
  • Now grind them altogether and make as fine powder. Salt shouldn't be added so that the powder can be preserved.
  • Can be used for Bittergaurd fry, potato fry etc. based on your taste
  • First of all finely chop the vegetable (Chop them as wheels as shown in the picture)
  • Heat oil in a non-stick pan and add jeera seeds, finely chopped vegetable wheels, curry leaves,pounded garlic, salt and turmeric.
  • Fry the vegetable in low flame till the pieces turn soft and later on little crispy.
  • Now add chilli powder, dhaniya powder, multigrain powder and fry them altogether for a while and switch off the stove.
* Once you are done, don't close the pan with a lid. Pieces will turn soft.
* Tastes good with plain rice, great combination with sambar and rasam.
* Healthy recipe, since we are adding multigrain powder and we are not deep frying the vegetable.
* Use only non-stick pans for frying. So that it will consume less oil.